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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Today, I read a statement that we sometimes  have to do. Remember that old statement 'the method to insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results'?  Well, how do we eliminate that?  We have to CHANGE OUR FREQUENCY.  We have to think outside of the box so that we don't make the same mistakes.  I mean really!  Stop beating your head up against the wall and just change the way you do things.  Pray about it and move towards CHANGE.  You may sit slouchy, well start sitting in the chair correctly.  You might enjoy cooking, however, you keep cooking the sammmme meals each week. Think outside the box, at extra spices to your meal or just cook different meals. ; ) CHANGE YOUR FREQUENCY!  You might enjoy writing.  Well, STOP reading everyone else's books and write your OWN! Do it today.  CHANGE YOUR FREQUENCY!  Don't wait for the New Year, do it NOW!!

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